Applause Time After Time
The last note was a blue note and silence filled the room for 40 seconds when the sound of applause burst like a bomb. The audience rose to their feet with right arms raised and fists pumping into...
View ArticleFrom Ridiculous to Ubiquitous
Are you nurturing a ridiculous idea that could be the lead to a successful venture? Some ideas seem brilliant at first but don’t pan out, while others seem wacky and wind up making millions! Any...
View ArticleCoping with Change
Change and death are essential elements of life itself but we instinctively resist both. There are numerous reasons for resistance to change be it either unexpected or expected and they are rooted in...
View ArticleFriends and Lovers
Ask almost anyone what the ingredients for a happy enduring relationship are and they will put romantic love at the top of the list. Along with it will come a laundry list of cultural expectations;...
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